Vasiliki Tsakiri - Maître de conférence invité à la Hellenic Open University, Docteur en histoire de la philosophie, Psychopédagogue

Portrait de Vasiliki Tsakiri

Maître de conférence invité à la Hellenic Open University, Docteur en histoire de la philosophie, Psychopédagogue


Vasiliki (Vasia) Tsakiri is an Associate Lecturer (in philosophy) at the Hellenic Open University in Greece and a somatic-psychoeducator. She holds a PhD in the history of philosophy from Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK (financed by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation), an MA in philosophy and social theory from the University of Warwick, UK, a degree in sociology from Panteion University Greece and three DU’s in SPP from University of Fernando Pessoa.

Her book Kierkegaard: Anxiety, Repetition and Contemporaneity was published in 2006  by Palgrave/Macmillan and she has authored various articles in English, Greek and Spanish.  

In June 2012 she presented the paper “The emergence of the sensible body in somatic-psychoeducation” in the  Interdisciplinary Symposium  on The Absent Presence of the Body in Social Sciences, Art, Education and Health Sciences: Methodological Issues and New Perspectives, University of Crete, organised by Professor Marios Pourkos . On 25 May 2013 (jointly with Dr. Angelos Mouzakitis)s she presented the paper  "Body, Logos, Living Experience: Tracing the origins and prospects of Somatopsychoeducation" in the context of the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Living Experience and qualitative research approaches in psychology and education, University of Crete, organised by Professor Marios Pourkos.

 Her research interests include the philosophy of religion, ethics, phenomenology of the body, existentialism and German idealism.


  • 1998-2003: PhD in the History of Philosophy, Goldsmiths College, University of London, New Cross street, London, (United Kingdom). Title of the PhD: Fall, Repetition and Freedom revisited: ‘Taking Notice’ of religious themes in Kierkegaard’s aesthetic writings with references to St. Augustine, Kant and Schelling’ . Supervised by Professor Howard Caygill. Degree awarded on 31/01/2013.
  • 1996-1997: MA in Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Warwick. Convenor: Professor Margaret Archer). Title of my MA Thesis: Time & Creation in Plato’s Timaeus. Supervised by Dr. Kyriaki Goudeli and was given a distinction mark (70). Degree Awarded on 09/01/1998.    
  • 1992-1996: Degree with a Distinction (8.93/10, characterisation Excellent, equivalent to the British First-Class Honours) in Sociology, Panteion University of Political & Social, Sciences, Athens, Greece.  Degree awarded on 29/06/96.

Domaine d'expertise et de recherche

Educational Qualifications/Professional Training (Somatic-psychoeducation):

  • 2014-2014: Diplome Universitaire in Somato- Psychopedagogie (DUIII- final degree), University of Fernando Pessoa, grade: 18/20.
  • 2012-2014 : Diplome Universitaire in Psychopedagogie Perceptive des moyens d’apprendre (DUII),University of Fernando Pessoa, grade: 18/20.
  •  2011-2012 : Diplome Universitaire in Somato- pedagogie  de l’accompagnement (DUII), University of Fernando Pessoa, grade: 17/20.

Academic & Teaching Experience:

  • 2006 - up to the present/ Hellenic Open University (School of Humanities):  I am teaching a module on the history of European philosophy (ancient philosophy- 20th century).  My duties there are similar to those of associate lecturers at the Open University, UK. Since 2012 I act also as assistant coordinator of the module. My duties included lecturing, tutoring, marking essays and exam papers, administrative duties, etc.
  • 2005- 2011/ University of Patras (Philosophy Department): Between the autumn semester of 2005 and the spring semester of 2011 I taught the following courses: a) Introduction to Nietzsche – 4th year-undergraduate core module b) Kierkegaard: the priority of existence - 2nd year- undergraduate seminar, c) Issues of modern ethical philosophy II: Kant, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard – 3rd & 4th year undergraduate course and d)) Issues of modern philosophy II: Kierkegaard and the question of existence – 3rd & 4th year undergraduate course. My duties included lecturing, tutoring and marking essays and exam papers. 
  • 2006- 2009/ University of Crete  (Department of Philosophy and Social Studies): Between the autumn semester of 2008 and the spring semester of 2009 I taught the following courses: a) Introduction to Nietzsche – 3rd /4th year undergraduate module b) Philosophy and History in the 19th century - 3rd /4th year undergraduate module, c) Philosophy of 19th century: Freedom and Creativity in German Idealism - 3rd /4th year undergraduate module, d) Post-Kantian approaches on ethics in 19th century -  3rd /4th year undergraduate module, e) Existentialism and Ethics-  3rd /4th year undergraduate seminar and f) F.W.Schelling: Philosophical inquiries into the philosophy of human freedom-  3rd /4th year undergraduate seminar. My duties included lecturing, tutoring and marking essays and exam papers
  • 2003-2004 European University Institute (Department of Political and Social Sciences): In collaboration with Dr Angelos Mouzakitis I have been offering a seminar on modern philosophical conceptions of time and history of European origin and their importance for social and political thought. The seminar attracted doctoral researchers from the departments of Social & Political Sciences and History and focused mainly on the works of Kant, Herder, Hegel, Nietzsche, Schelling, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Levinas, Patocka, Ricoeur and Derrida.

Principales publications et communications


Kierkegaard: Anxiety, Repetition and Contemporaneity , Palgrave/Macmillan, Renewing Philosophy, 2006 (in English).


  • "The emergence of the sensible body in somatic-psychoeducation: a philosophical approach" in The absent presence of the body and living experience in the processes of education, learning and development, ed. M.Pourkos, Editions Topos (forthcoming- in Greek)
  • "Mysterium tremendum: Kierkegaard and Derrida in dialogue" in The political and ethical philosophy of JacquesDerrida, Plethron editions (2015- in Greek).
  • "Tracing the meaning of Kierkegaard's religious writings" in Frear, n.5 (January-February 2014- in Greek).
  • "Eternal times: Schelling on Creation, contemporaneity and the unconscious" in The Barbaric Principle: Schelling & Merleau-Ponty and the question of nature, SUNY ( 2013- in English).
  • "Love, suffering and the human nature in Kierkegaard's late works", Protrepsis: Revistade Filosofia (May-October 2013-in Spanish and English).
  • "God as Paradox in the thought of Kierkegaard" in The God of Bible and the God of the Philosophers, Artos Zois editions (2012- in Greek).
  • "Soeren Kierkegaard: Existence as freedom", Nea Euthini (June 2011- in Greek).«The meaning of envy and ressentiment in the thought of Kierkegaard», Intellectum (December 2010- in Greek).
  • "The persecuted Other: Levinas perception of Kierkegaard", Sophia Philosophical review (volume ΙΙΙ, issue 2, April 2009- in English).
  • “Repetition qua ‘double contemporaneity’: God-man and the single individual” The Soren Kierkegaard Newsletter (April 2007- in English).
  • (with Dr. Angelos Mouzakitis) “The I and the Other: Kierkegaard and Levinas on Personhood”. Proceeding of the third international conference on metaphysics, July 2006 Fondazione Idente (2009- in English).

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