Angelos Mouzakitis - Maître de conférence à l'Université de Crete, Docteur en sociologie

Portrait de Angelos Mouzakitis

Maître de conférence à l'Université de Crete, Docteur en sociologie


Dr. Angelos Mouzakitis is Lecturer in social theory at the University of Crete in Greece. He holds a degree in Sociology from Panteion University, Athens, Greece. He conducted his postgraduate  studies in the U.K. under the auspices of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation and earned an MA in Philosophy and Social Theory (with Distinction) and a PhD in Sociology, both from the University of Warwick. His doctoral thesis, Meaning, Historicity and the conceptualization of the Social is a study on Heidegger, Gadamer and Castoriadis. Apart from his native Greek, he is proficient in English, has sound knowledge of French and basic knowledge of German and Italian.   His academic interests involve around the areas a )of social theory with an emphasis on social ontology, social change and the constitution of the 'subject' and b) epistemology of the social sciences with an emphasis on phenomenology and hermeneutics. He has also participated in workshops held by Danis Bois in Athens and he has an increasing interest in the phenomenology of the body and in somatic psychoeducation. On 25 May 2013 (jointly with Dr. Vasiliki Tsakiri) he presented the paper  "Body, Logos, Living Experience: Tracing the origins and prospects of Somatopsychoeducation" in the context of the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Living Experience and qualitative research approaches in psychology and education, University of Crete, organised by Professor Marios Pourkos.


  • 2002: Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Warwick
  • 1997: MA in Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Warwick.
  • 1996: Degree in Sociology, Panteion University of Political & Social, Sciences, Athens, Greece.

Parcours académique

  • Since 2014 he is appointed Lecturer at the sociology department at the University of Crete, Greece
  • 2004 - to the present, he teaches for the Hellenic Open University
  • 2004-2013: He has been teaching under short-term contracts at the University of Crete, the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, and the University of Patras.
  • During the academic year 2010-2011 he taught (in English) an intensive undergraduate course on perceptions of time and history for the philosophy department at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, in Austria. 
  • 2003-2004: He was Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute, in Florence, Italy.
  • 1999-2002: he has been teaching on both undergraduate and postgraduate levels for the University of Warwick, the Open University in the UK and the University of Central England.

Principales publications et communications


  • Meaning, Historicity and the Social. A critical approach to the works of Heidegger, Gadamer and Castoriadis, August 2008, Dr. Mueller Verlag.   


  • "Autonomy and Authenticity/ On the aporetic nature of time and History: Castoriadis- Heidegger", in Critical Horizons, Vol.7, no.1, 2006, p. 277-301. 
  • “Worlds emerging: approaches to the creation and constitution of the common”, in Peter Wagner and Nathalie karagiannis (eds.) Varieties of World-making. Beyond Globalisation, Liverpool University Press, 2006. 
  • “Radical Finitude meets Infinity: Levinas’ gestures to Heidegger’s fundamental ontology”, in Thesis Eleven, νοl. 90, 2007, p. 61-78. 
  • "What is Knowledge? Castoriadis on Truth, Signification and Symbolism", Cahiers Castoriadis, n. 6 Castoriadis et la question de la vérité, Bruxelles: Publications des Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, 2010.
  • "Chaos and Creation in Castoriadis’ interpretation of Greek Thought", in Anders Ramsey, Ingerid Straume και Fotis Theodoridis (eds.) Creation, Rationality and Autonomy, NSU Press, 2013.   
  • "From narrative to action: Paul Ricoeur's reflections on history", in Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Praxis, online access since April 2014 at
  • "The Social-historical", in Suzi Adams (ed.), Castoriadis, Key-Concepts, Bloomsbury, 2014.
  • "Creation ex nihilo", in Suzi Adams (ed.), Castoriadis, Key-Concepts, Bloomsbury, 2014.  

Publications in Swedish

  • “Autonomins trassliga rötter” (The tangled roots of autonomy) in Res Publica, n. 58, 2003, p. 44-53. (translated from English by Professor Mats Rosengren)

Publications in Greek

  • «Ποιό Σώμα; Τίνος Σώμα; Ανιχνεύσεις της Ταυτότητας και της Ετερότητας στην Ερμηνευτική του Εαυτού του Paul Ricoeur» (What body/whose body? Intimations of identity and otherness in Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic of the self), Marios Pourkos (ed.), Body, living experience, knowledge and qualitative research methods. (forthcoming)  
  • «Η διαλεκτική του βιώματος και του ανοίκειου: Από την ψυχανάλυση στην ερμηνευτική-φαινομενολογική σκέψη» (The Dialectic of living experience and the uncanny: From psychoanalysis to hermeneutic phenomenology", in Marios Pourkos (ed.), Βίωμα και Ποιοτικές Ερευνητικές Μεθοδολογίες βασισμένες στην Τέχνη και το Σώμα: Επιστημολογικά-Μεθοδολογικά Ζητήματα και Νέες Προοπτικές (Living Experience and Qualitative Research Methods…etc), (forthcoming)
  • «Κοινός βίος, κοινό νόημα; Η έννοια του κόσμου της ζωής στη σύγχρονη κοινωνική θεωρία» (Common life, common meanings? The concept of the life-world in contemporary social theory), in the proceedings of the 4rth conference of the Greek Sociological Association (2014).
  • «Λόγος, Άτομο, Κοινωνία στην όψιμη Νεωτερικότητα: Σχόλιο στο έργο του Κίρκεγκωρ Η Σύγχρονη Εποχή» (Logos, Individual, Society: Comment on Kierkegaard's The Modern Age), Φρέαρ (Well), nο. 4, January 2014.
  • «Κοινωνική Μεταβολή και Νεωτερικότητα: Εκφάνσεις και Αινίγματα» (Social Change and Modernity: Aspects and Riddles), in the Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Greek Sociological Association, 2013.
  • «Η ριζική ετερότητα ως θεραπευτική πρακτική: Ηθική, Ψυχανάλυση, Ψυχοθεραπεία» (Radical otherness as therapeutic practice: Ethics, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy), Νέα Ευθύνη (New Responsibility), n. 10, March-April 2012.   
  • «Πολίτης- Άπολις: Το φάντασμα της Πόλεως και το (μετα;) νεωτερικό υποκείμενο» (Citizen- Apolis: The Spectre of the polis and the (post?) modern subject) , in Γιώργος Ν. Οικονόμου (ed.), Μελέτες για τον Κορνήλιο Καστοριάδη: Η Γένεση της Δημοκρατίας και η σημερινή κρίση (Studies on Cornelius Castoriadis: The emergence of Greek democracy and today’s crisis), Athens: Ευρασία, 2011.
  • «Πέραν της Ουσίας; Προβλήματα και προοπτικές της συστημικής θεωρίας του N. Luhmann» (Beyond essence? Problems and prospects of N. Luhmann’s systems theory), in Intellectum, vol. 8, December 2011.
  • «Παράδοση και Ερμηνεία: Προς τη διερεύνηση των ορίων της Ερμηνευτικής», in Marios Pourkos and Manolis Dafermos (eds.) Ποιοτική Έρευνα στις Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες (Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences),  Athens: Τόπος, 2010.
  • «Συστημική Θεωρία και Κοινωνία: Η περίπτωση του Τ. Πάρσονς» (Systems Theory and Society: The case of T. Parsons), in Sokratis M. Koniordos (ed.) Κοινωνική Σκέψη και Νεωτερικότητα (Social Thought and Modernity). Athens: Gutenberg, 2010.
  • «Ιστορικότητα και Παράδοση στο Σύγχρονο Ερμηνευτικό Στοχασμό» (Historicity and Tradition in contemporary Hermeneutic Thought), in Sokratis M. Koniordos (ed.) Κοινωνική Σκέψη και Νεωτερικότητα (Social Thought and Modernity). Athens: Gutenberg, 2010.
  • -“Τεχνική και Αυτονομία στη σκέψη του Καστοριάδη” (Technique and Autonomy in Castoriadis’ thought), in the proceedings of Kavafeia 2007, Athens: Αρμάος, 2010.
  • «Κοινωνική Μεταβολή και Δημιουργία» (Social Change and Creation), in the Greek Journal Intellectum, 2008
  • «Αυτονομία, Φαντασία και Κριτική στην σκέψη του Κορνήλιου Καστοριάδη» (Autonomy, Imagination and Critique in the thought of C. Castoriadis), in the collective volume Ψυχή, Πόλις, Κοινωνία (Psyche, Polis, Society). Athens: Ύψιλον, 2007.


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