The conversion to the contact of the Sensible body: a heuristic research

Ontological Joy
Auteur(s) :

Jean-Philippe Gauthier - Professeur à l'UQAR (Rimouski), Docteur en sciences sociales de l'UFP,

Praticien-chercheur en psychopédagogie de la perception

This research of phenomenological and hermeneutical inspiration is set in a first person posture. The foundations of this research are set in a comprehensive and interpretative approach and find elevation within the paradigm of the Sensitive, a paradigm that considers the sensitive body as being both the place of emergence of one’s rich and complex experience as well as the structural basis of all stages of this type of research. The problematisation phase, likewise the collection, presentation and interpretation of data were all conducted in a dynamic heuristic quest as described by Clark Moustakas. Together they culminate in the conversion of a central metaphor; the latter being set freely in the pages of a journal and becoming the object by which the hermeneutical process is able to unfold in successive loops, as inspired by the work of René Barbier.
From the onset of this research, the ambition has been to rely on the embodied experience of conversion that emanates from being in contact with joy in order to answer the question: "Buy which means can an exploratory process and the understanding of a conversion experience in relation to the sensitive body help to identify and systematize the issues and challenges accompanying the process of such a phenomenon?" Through the self-teaching process of one’s singular journey of conversion, this heuristic approach offers details and fine intelligibility relative to the historical and social elements of the studied phenomenon. It also generates a movement of understanding that highlight the skills, attitudes and actions which help effectively accompany and guide an experience of conversion in respect to the sensitive body. The major challenge here aims at producing meaning, knowledge, consistency and health from the experiential knowledge which is implicit to such a rigorous and formative existential practice set in a perceptual educational psychology framework.

Jean-Philippe Gauthier


Abstract : Thesis of Psychopedagogy : University Fernando Pessoa - 2015
